The weather has been
mostly warm and mostly sunny for a while now. There were a couple of pretty
breezy days but the forecast cold front didn't quite make and the water is
warming nicely. Barring another cold snap, we are about back to normal in both
water and air temperatures. The water temperatures are rising and the fishing
should continue to improve. There were reports of inshore temperatures of above
70 in the last few days and this should make those fish much more active.
Remember the minimum size for ocean-caught flounder is now 15-1/2 inches.
Inshore fishing has
been a bit irregular along the NC coast. There are some reports of gray trout
along the entire coast. Unfortunately most are too short to keep. Maybe they
will be larger when they return in the fall. The NCDMF is considering some
changes in the regulations for gray trout. Details are on the NCDMF web site at
www.ncdmf.net. The warmer water is moving the red drum out of the small creeks
and into some larger waters. Keep a sharp eye out for spotted tails along marsh
edges, oyster bars, and grassy flats.
In the central part of
the state, the large speckled trout have slowed down. There have been some
scattered smaller trout and puppy drum. Farther to the north, around Manteo and
Manns Harbor, there have been enough hungry stripers around to keep fishermen
smiling. Favorite spots have been around the bridges. This is catch and release
fishing only---don't keep one.
Surf and Pier
With the wind blowing
from the southwest again, the pier fishing is getting better. Sea mullet
(whiting), bluefish, the occasional gray or speckled trout, a few black and red
drum, spots, blowfish, sharks, and chinese flounder (skates) are making up the
bulk of the catch. The spanish mackerel have arrived. Piers all along the
southern and central NC Coast are reporting good catches of 2-4 pound spanish.
Over last week there
have been a small handful of kings caught on the piers from Topsail Island to
the south. This action should continue to improve and the kings move up the
coast. Some cobia are also being caught from the piers.
In another example of
how strange the fishing has been, a 35 inch striper and a 94 pound and 4 ounce
cobia were both caught in the Cape Hatteras surf this past week. On the evenings
with southerly winds, there have also been some good catches of large red drum.
These fish were tagged and released as the NC red drum regulations only allow
keeping one 18 to 27 inch fish per day.
Nice Cobia Catch
The largest fish was landed by Jeremy Cannon and
weighed in at 91 lbs. Mike Williams landed the second largest and tipped
the scales at 78.5 lbs. David Williams had the 3rd largest and weighed
62 lbs. I had the next one at 50 lbs. We caught several more that
weighed in the 40 lb. class. You may notice that Matt's name is missing
from the list. Matt is our gaff man and landed all of these fish.
However, the 50 lb. fish threw the gaff into Matt's leg and the result
was 11 stitches and a very sore limb.
There have been lots of
bluefish and spanish mackerel along most of the NC coast. Some Atlantic bonito
are still around but will be leaving soon, with the warming water. Learn to tell
these tasty critters from false albacore (little tunny) and you are in for a
real treat. Spanish mackerel, bonito, and bluefish are hitting a variety of
trolled spoons and casting lures. A few kings have finally been caught at some
of the nearshore rocks and artificial reefs.
Mid Depths
The kings are slowly
moving in. They have been caught at some of the early favorite spots as shallow
as 50 feet. There also are a few that are moving right to the beach in the
southern part of the state. Bottom bouncers have been doing well with sea bass,
grunts, and a few grouper. Similar king and bottomfish bites are happening off
Morehead City and Hatteras. The kings are mostly small fish.
While there are still
some yellowfin tuna being caught along the coast, dolphin are starting to really
outnumber them in most catches. There are a pretty good number of gaffer dolphin
too, not just the peanuts from early spring. A wahoo or two are also present in
many catches. Billfish encounters are on the rise and are putting some reel
excitement in many offshore ventures. These numbers should continue to increase
for another several weeks.
There are two blackfin
tuna catches that have been submitted to the NCDMF as a potential state record.
The certification process is not yet complete on either. One is a 36 pound fish
that was caught on the Musicman charterboat, out of Carolina Beach. The other is
a 37 pound fish that was caught on the Harper's Folly charterboat, out of
Hatteras. As soon as one of them is certified, I will post it here.
Good Fishing
Capt. Jerry Dilsaver |